Saturday, August 29, 2009

Football Is Passion!!!!!

Arini tibe2 je minda n jari bekerja nk wat entry pasal bola..huhu..actually, im into dis 'passion' since i was a kid..Match bola yang pertama ditonton mase tu antara selangor dgn team mane ntah n at dat time im at d age of 8 or 9 kot..mase tu mmg mcm blur sket la tgk bola ni,mcm boring pun ade, tgk bola disepak sana, disepak sini..but then ven i saw d excitement dat my late father had while watched d match, m fel interested to b part into dis game til i heard d word Gggooooolllllll!!! Well, I cant described my feeling at dat point of time,but automatically i felt dat im part into dat glory too..Name2 player selangor yg popular mase tu yg masih diingat lg, name2 mcm azman adnan, mehmet durakovic, itu jela yg aku ingat, selebihnya x tau..hehe..So, 1st team yg tsangkut di hati ialah team selangor...
Hwever,during my childhood time,m not dat so fanatic abt football, n m nt dat supportive enuff to selangor team, coz ol my frens at dat time didnt like football..they are more interested to do what our-aged used to do in our childhood time [play teng teng, batu seremban, paper dolls, baling selipar, roller blade, cycling,n etc]
Then, selepas beberapa tahun kemudian, bile kaki dah melangkah ke alam sekolah menengah, ven i was d age of 15, mase tu dunia tgh femes dgn world cup 1998. Names like beckham, owen, batistuta, del piero, ronaldo, ariel ortega, n etc mmg popular la mase tu. Team yg disupport mase tu plak argentina, n player dihati mase tu plak, gabriel batistuta. Snggup bangun awl2 pg k, jz untk tgk argentina men, sedangkan pagi tu nak gi sekolah.huhu..Mase tu igt lg, argentina berjaya mengalahkan england, n mse tu beckham dipersalahkan peminat england sbb kna red akibat 'sedikit perselisihan faham' dgn simieone..haha..pity u becks...Nak diceritakan, mase world cup 98, kiteorg sanggup buat 1 buku utk world cup 98 n inside dat books,we filled up wit d name of ol players according to their countries. Siap kaler2 lg buku2 tu dgn kaler LUNA..actually, kaler LUNA tu dibeli utk peta minda yg cikgu suruh buat, tp lain yg disuruh lain yg mmg seronokla bila belek2 buku tu..But then, ol d gud moments end when d world cup 1998 hd met its deadline..However my interests to argentina n batisuta has never end at dat time. So i stil 'kip in touch' wit them walaupun x la fanatik sgt pun. While im stil supporting argentina, another gud names wit gud skills cames out>>crespo, aimar, n yet i stil like both of them too..
After several years, ven i did my diploma, i`ve finally found my true-endless-relationship wit dis team >>CHELSEA<<>> but there are few ppl wit no values called my darling chelsea wit these bad names>>chelsick, chelsuck, chelsial..huhu..normal la tu, x puas hati la kate kan..
'We first met' kat bilik TV asrama kolej..Mase tu melepak sambil2 study dgn member, dia pun minat bola gak, so Tuhan mmg maha adil coz dipertemukan lagi dgn member yg gila bola jgk, so x la aku boring..hehe..mase tgh study tu dengan jiwa yg sangat kusut menghafal, tangan plak menggatal menukar2 channel sehinggalah tertekan channel match mase tu, tertengok la kami dgn match chelsea lawan team mane ntah, menyebabkan buku di tangan dilemparkan ke bawah.
Jadi, 'pertemuan' di bilik tv asrama telah 'menyatukan kami' sehinggalah sekarang..biarpun kata2 khianat,benci, n busuk dari org sekeliling yg sentiasa mencemburui kehebatan chelsea dihamburkan, tp Chelsea My Darling tetap pls..dun let dis feeling gone, let it be inside of me til d end of my life............I LUV CHELSEA............
P/S: One of my fren said, no one (man) like kaki bola (girl)..Is it true..???


  1. ahhh... kawan ko tipu. how come man dont like kaki bola??? huhuhu...

    btw, i am THAT fren. i really miss our time in bilik TV watchg matches pagi2 buta and then balik bilik sambil jalan mcm kat bulan (mock cerita Scary Movie 2) LOL...

  2. hehe..of course ure that person..not to left u out la beb..hehe..

  3. mmg minat betul...i pun xmcm u yg minat bola...i wont watch any match early in the morning...mana tahan...mata asyik nak tertutup jelah..baik tdo dari seksa diri....

  4. wahh...hehe..
    mmg fanatik bola ne..
    me likey.. =)
    pyh nk jmpe gul yg btul2 mnt bola..sggup bgun 3,4 pg tgk game..
    btul2..dieorg xder hak nk kutuk team awk kan..2 plhn awk kan..=)
    sape ckp cam suke gul fan bola per.. (^_^)

  5. crazy mcm i willing to sacrifice their own sweet time no matter wat time it kalo da ngntuk,tv yg tgk i la gamaknye..huuhu

  6. fiedo, ade ramai lg girl yg gila bola tp ssh nk jumpe yg betul2 gila..hehe

  7. We are rival.. I'm die hard fan of MU actually.. :)
    Nice to know u miss chelsea..

  8. akceli, i dun wish to meet another 'devil'..hehe..kidding..btw, nice 2 noe u to..

  9. hahahaha... nice story.. thn biler tu yg u tgk zaman azman adnan... rasanye dm early - mid 90s.. apa yg buat u suke kat chelsea?... ni sure tgk chelsea main zaman abramovic... u kenal frank lebouf, gianluca vialli, giafranco zolla, ruud gullit, dennis wide..... semua tu legend chelsea.. masa i start tgk bola.. what ever it is.. choose becos of he game.. bukan sebab player or ikut org... cos most girls suke certain team sbb minat certain player... hahahaha.. i like kaki bola... so that i can watch any games with the 1 i like / love.. senang.... "xde bebel2 asek2 bola"... wakakakaka

  10. mr apai, no so true coz mse i mnat chelsi,i x knal pn sape abramovic..i knal ranieri n line up che mse tu pn da cukup wat i tertarik dgn tactic n game dierorg.lampard pn bru msuk dr west die pn x femes jgk lg time tu..n zmn kegemilangan che bermula bile mourinho msuk mnmbhkn smgt i dgn che. i admit tat i minat che dgn tempoh yg agk baru tp every updates abt che i follow..i pn kalo bleh nk partner i yg futbol crazie..bru best..
